Xenophobic Violence is Flaring Again

Dear friends and fellow South Africans, When xenophobia flared into brutal killings in Gauteng in 2008, the IFP was vocal in speaking against the violence and the undercurrent of hatred and discrimination. We also lamented the fact that this outburst was predictable...

Dr Mario GR Oriani-Ambrosini MP

Dear friends and fellow South Africans, Yesterday the Honourable Dr Mario GR Oriani-Ambrosini MP chose to speak publically about his latest battle. Anyone with even a passing interest in politics will know that Dr Ambrosini is legendary for taking on giants, and...

Mothers’ Day Invokes Sad Memories

Dear friends and fellow South Africans, With the celebration of Mothers’ Day on Sunday, many families were brought together around a shared desire to honour the women at the centre of our homes. For the IFP, honouring women, particularly those who carry the...